The dangling bonds associated with the dislocation core determine to a large extent the electrical and optical properties of the dislocations. 与位错核心相联系的悬空键在很大程度上决定着位错的光学电学性质。
These dangling bonds can be saturated by H. 这些悬挂键在较高氢分压下可部分被饱和。
An ideal density of dangling bonds and the surface free energy ( SFE) of ( 1 × 1)-( hkl) surface of cubic crystals are calculated by using a broken-bond model. 采用断键模型计算了立方晶体理想表面的悬键密度,进而计算了其表面自由能(SFE)。
It is shown that hydrogenation compensates dangling bonds as well as strained bonds in α& Si and thus removes the undesirable electronic states in band gap. 研究表明氢化可饱和α&Si:H中的悬挂键和应力键等缺陷,并使能隙中的电子态消除。
It can also reduce the density of the recombination centers of Si ≡ Si-dangling bonds, which would increase the excess carrier density and the rate of charge trapping. Boh of them speed the photoconductivity degradation. 以及减少Si≡Si-复合中心,从而有可能提高非平衡自由或流子密度和增强电荷被陷的速率,而间接地增强光电导衰减。
By considering the large number of dangling bonds of the surface atoms and surface relaxation of nanoparticles, the bond model has been established. 通过考虑固体表面原子有大量的悬空键,而且表面原子有弛豫这一实验事实,建立了纳米微粒结合能的键模型。
Silicon Dangling Bonds and Hydrogen Bonding Configurations in PECVD Silicon Nitride Films PECVD氮化硅膜氢键及硅悬挂键的研究
Based on the optical absorption and conductive properties in this kind of alloy films, using the dangling bond model with Nd back bonds, the variation of properties are analyzed and discussed. 基于这类薄膜的光吸收和电导特性,应用带Nd背键的悬挂键模型分析讨论了这些变化特性的物理原因。
When the ZnO nanoparticles are capped with PVB, PVB molecules do not only improve the surface of ZnO nanoparticles by compensating dangling bonds and unsaturated bonds, but also spatially block the process of surface-trapped hole tunneling back into the particles to form VO recombination center. 实验结果表明:经PVB包覆后,PVB不仅减少了ZnO纳米粒子表面的悬键和非饱和键,而且也从空间上阻断了被表面俘获的空穴遂穿回粒子内部形成VO复合中心。
It could also saturates dangling bonds on the a-D film surface with bydrogen, leading to a hydrogenated lowed-electron-affinity surface. 同时氢离子还可以饱和非晶金刚石薄膜表面的悬挂键,使薄膜表面具有一定含量的C-H键,从而降低电子亲和势;
The density of surface states is lowered to unpin the Fermi level because the hydrogen passivated dangling bonds of the surface. 模型以氢钝化SiC表面悬挂键,降低SiC表面的界面态密度,消除了费米能级钉扎,获得理想的SiC表面。
This part of wave function could be described by T2 symmetric combination of four hybrid orbital quasi dangling bonds located at four nearest neighbour sites and pointing toward the defect center. 该部分相当于四个最近邻格点指向缺陷的杂化轨道准悬键的T2组合。
The variation of the dangling bonds with annealing temperature in a-Si: F produced by ion implantation is measured by EPR. 本文用电子顺磁共振(EPR)测量了离子注入a-Si:F中悬键密度随退火温度变化的关系。
It could be deduced from the above evidences that there must exist some In vacancies on the In-rich InP ( 100) surface, and the dangling bonds of those P atoms which are located next to the In vacancies orientate off their normal directions. 根据这些结果,可以推测InP(100)的富In表面存在In的空位,与In空位相邻的P原子悬挂键发生了转向。
The results obtained show that the gap states due to the dangling bonds existing in amorphous SiC system could be eliminated by hydrogen saturation, which supports theoretically the related experimental results. 得到的结果表明,由悬挂键引起的禁带中的电子态可因氢原子饱和而消失,与实验结果相符。
These quenching centers can quench both blue emission related to the surface defects and the orange emission of Mn2+ impurities. They are most likely originated from the dangling bonds of the lone pairs on surface S2 'or the Zn2+ vacancies. 这种表面猝灭中心对自激活蓝光和橙光发射都有猝灭作用,它们极有可能来自表面S~(2-)孤对电子的悬空键或Zn~(2+)空位。
Further increasing the substrate temperature broadens the band tail width of the films because the hydrogen content is too low to passivate the dangling bonds at the NC silicon grain surface. 对应更高的衬底温度,因薄膜中的氢不能完全中止纳米晶粒界面的悬键,使薄膜能带带尾加宽。
He diffraction measurements show that Si dangling bonds are the sites for fluorine adsorption. 由He衍射测定表明Si的悬空键是氟吸附的位置。
It means that the impurity ( such as graphite) and defects ( dangling bonds) in the films greatly affect their field emission. 这意味着杂质(如石墨)和缺陷(悬挂键)极大地影响了膜的场发射性能。
The saturation of dangling bonds on GaAs surface by sulfur 硫对砷化镓表面悬挂键的饱和作用
Surface silicon dangling bonds are significantly increased after surface activation which lead to effectively chemical adsorption of OH groups. 经活化后表面硅悬挂键明显增加,从而对羟基进行有效的化学吸附。
The planar structures are at the origin of the minimization of dangling bonds. 这些平面结构采用三角形网状结构是为了减少悬挂键的数目。
It is found that the intrinsic occupied surface states related to P atom dangling bonds are located at 0.6 eV below the valence band maximum, while the defect induced empty surface states are located at 1.1 eV above the valence band maximum(Γ point). 发现与P原子悬挂键有关的本征满表面态在Г点位于价带顶下0.6eV处,而缺陷引入的空表面态位于价带顶上1.1eV处(Г点)。
The density, the bond distortion and the number of dangling bonds decrease with the increase of the crystalline volume fraction, resulting part of the band tail states and the band gap states are transformed into extended states or disappear. 薄膜的致密程度、键畸变程度和悬挂键数目与其晶态比有关。提高晶态比可使一部分带尾态和带隙态分别转化为扩展态或消失。
The geometric and topological structures of the surfaces impact the competition between the exchange, bonding and transfer of the electrons in different dangling bonds. 表面的几何结构、拓扑结构影响着不同悬挂键上电子交换、成键和迁移作用之间的竞争。
The blue shift is due to quantum size effect and the band tail is likely to be caused by the unsaturated dangling bonds on the AgI boundary. 对于吸收边的蓝移,我们认为是量子尺寸效应造成的;对于带尾态的产生,我们则将其归结为AgI界面处存在的不饱和的悬键所致。
However, because it contents lots of defect states ( mainly dangling bonds), its application in practice has been confined in some ways. The main problem is the light-induced degradation ( Staebler Wronski Effect). 但是由于其含有大量的缺陷态(主要是悬挂键),使其在实际应用方面受到一定限制,其中最主要的问题是光致衰退效应。